School Revenue & Cost
Here's what it took to finance a local High School in the 2004-5 school year.
©2007, Bob Beeman
Updated 2007-11-11 @ 23:15 EST (UT-5)
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Educational Funding Accountability Act, Section 1010.215 F. S.
2004 - 2005 School Financial Report
School: A High School in my local area.
Figures are in US$.
Revenues [1] School % District % State %
Federal 1,607,136 16.47 229,448,526 11.66 2,378,856,186 12.62
State/Local 8,043,268 82.37 1,721,358,727 87.51 16,306,645,322 86.53
Florida State Lottery 110,792 1.13 15,817,655 0.80 145,827,641 0.77
Private 3,001 0.03 428,545 0.02 14,400,481 0.08
TOTAL 9,764,197 100.00 1,967,053,453 100.00 18,845,729,630 100.00
Operating Costs [2]
per student
per student
District [3, 4]
per student
State [3, 4]
School Costs
Teachers/Teacher Aides (Salaries/Benefits) [5] 3,258 3,814 3,670 5,820,637
Other Instructional Personnel [6] 536 801 739 957,603
Contracted Instructional Services 45 92 120 79,865
School Administration 518 458 437 926,010
Materials / Supplies / Operating Capital Outlay 74 246 267 132,110
Food Service 316 316 349 564.301
Operation & Maintenance of Plant 590 796 755 1,053,131
Other School Level Support Services 129 154 162 230,540
TOTAL SCHOOL COSTS 5,466 6,677 6,499 9,764,197
Additional Detail Information
Teacher & Teacher Aides (Salaries & Benefits) per Full-Time Equivalent student.
Program Type
per student
per student
per student
School Costs
Basic Programs 3,027 3,280 3,189 3,938,119
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) 3,518 3,468 3,838 292,955
Exceptional Programs 4,965 6,635 5,674 1,276,280
Vocational Programs 2,158 3,285 3,192 313,283
Adult Programs [7] [7] [7] [7]
Additional Detail Information
Materials, Supplies, & Operating Capital Outlay.
Item School Cost District Cost  
Textbooks 8,483 27,443,231
Computer Hardware & Software 27,674 11,900.265
Other Instructional Material 74,352 17,274,084
Other Materials & Supplies 21,601 6,003,053
Library Media Materials 4,869 2,738,170
  1. School revenues based on costs.
  2. Capital expenses for new schools are not included.
  3. Amounts reported for district & state reflect costs for all levels of students.
  4. Costs above represent only school-level costs. No district-level costs have been included. Costs such as transportation and administration for Broward School District totaled $163,928,031 or $645 per Full Time Equivalent student.
  5. Includes substitute teachers in the amount of $139,472 for the school and $19,280,147 for the district.
  6. Includes some non-personnel costs, such as teacher training materials.
  7. Not FEFP funded.

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Last year, one of the High Schools in my area sent an information sheet to the parents of students concerning the school's revenues and expenditures. One of those families was kind enough to give me a copy of their sheet, which I have reproduced here.

Data is given here for the 2004-5 school year, and shows revenues and expenditures at the school, district, and state levels.

It provides only 1.3% of the funding for this school. Talk about being over-sold!!

Note also that despite the fact that most private schools do not educate "Exceptional" students, the per-pupil annual expenditure at this public school (which does accept special-needs students) is $5466: well below the tuition at many private schools.

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