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There are only 11,316,496 numbers (0 - 11,316,495) represented by 4 characters in base 58 whereas there are 11,881,376 numbers represented by 5 characters in base 26. For this reason there are 564,880 numbers (from 11,316,496 through 11,881,375) in base 26 that don't represent anything in base 58. These base26 that have no base58 equivalent run from "YTWJW" to "ZZZZZ". If this is the input to a code, having a gap in the cyphertext this large is not a good thing, as it can serve as a kind of "frequency table" crib.
If this code is used as the input to a cypher, this could be eliminated as a problem if during encoding of each block a (pseudo) random number between 0 and 11,881,375 is generated. If this number is larger than 10,751,615, then a block of 5 UPPER CASE characters is inserted into the ciphertext with an encoded value equal to the random number. These would be inserted upon encoding and ignored on decoding.
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